





Treating Joint Pain With Muscle Exercise Therapy.

Joint training, a new form of exercise therapy that underpins a healthy lifestyle, is effective in treating joint pain. Hirohide Sasakawa, representative director of the Japan Training Science Laboratory, is hoping to collaborate with both national and international researchers to raise awareness about treating pain with exercise therapy.

I run instructor education courses for those who wish to become joint training instructors. Joint training is a new form of exercise therapy that I devised myself. Joint training can be summed up as exercise designed to strengthen internal muscles, which support the joints. By strengthening internal muscles, you can treat joint pain.

The cause of joint pain was widely accepted as the loss of cartilage. Years of research, however, have revealed that it is actually caused by the weakening of internal muscles, which disturbs the balance between joint-supporting internal muscles and the external muscles involved in the movement of joints.

Each internal muscle plays a dual role: contraction and relaxation.You can treat any joint pain by targeting six areas: hip and hip joint, knees, ankles, shoulder blades, shoulders and elbow to wrist–12 muscles in all. I have given lectures to 2,000 or more health professionals, including physiotherapists, physicians, nurses and dentists, so that they can familiarize themselves with the method designed to enhance athletic performance while also preventing sports injury. Some may be surprised at the inclusion of dentists. Joint training is, in fact, effective in treating teeth grinding and temporomandibular joint disorder.

(各筋肉には、収縮と弛緩の2つの役割があります。 股関節、股関節、膝、足首、肩甲骨、肩、肘から手首まで、全部で12の筋肉の6つの領域をターゲットにして、あらゆる関節の痛みを治療できます。私は理学療法士、医師、看護師、歯科医など 2,000 人以上の医療専門家に講義を行い、運動パフォーマンスを向上させながらスポーツ障害を予防する方法を理解してもらいました。歯医者さんの存在に驚かれる方もいらっしゃるかもしれません。実際、関節トレーニングは歯ぎしりや顎関節症の治療に効果的です。)

Many people initially feel apprehensive about learning joint training. Yet anyone can learn how to do joint training, which consists of easy-to-perform movements. It takes only 10 to 20 minutes to target all six areas. You can do it informally at home without using equipment. And it takes effect immediately. There was even an elderly person who came in for training with a cane but went home unaided, completely forgetting about the cane.
(多くの人は、最初は共同訓練を学ぶことに不安を感じます。しかし、簡単な動きで構成された関節トレーニングは、誰でも学ぶことができます。 6 つのエリアすべてをターゲットにするのに 10 ~ 20 分しかかかりません。機器を使用せずに、自宅で非公式に行うことができます。そして、それはすぐに有効になります。杖をついてトレーニングに来ても、杖のことをすっかり忘れて一人で帰ってしまったお年寄りもいた。)

I came up with the idea for joint training when I was working for a hospital in Osaka as a physiotherapist. I treated patients with chronic pain and those suffering from hemiplegia from strokes or sports injuries. I had doubts about the training I was doing because it did not produce the intended effect in some cases. I asked questions of senior colleagues and experts, read a large number of papers, and attended study meetings and seminars in an attempt to find an answer, but to no avail. No one seemed to have an answer, so I decided to investigate it myself. Day after day, I would read books on anatomy, eventually forming a hypothesis about muscle movements. I continued to test my theory with the support of patients. As I made progress with my research, I began to understand that joint pain was caused by the weakening of internal muscles.

Around the same time, I accepted a request from a friend and took on the role of trainer for a high school volleyball club in Tokyo. I discovered that half the members were unable to practice because of inflammation caused by overtraining. I instructed them to do the joint training I had carefully devised and organized with patients. They soon experienced significant results.

As a student, I was passionate about kendo. Occasionally, injury prevented me from performing well, leaving me frustrated. With this joint training, I want to reduce the number of athletes who go through a similar experience. I also want to enable the elderly who have given up walking because of a lack of strength to walk again. You can certainly build muscle mass even after turning 100. I believe the training may help extend the healthy life expectancy of Japanese people by five years.
(学生時代は剣道に熱中。時折、けがのためにパフォーマンスが発揮できず、フラストレーションを感じていました。この共同トレーニングで、同じような経験をする選手を減らしたいです。また、力が入らず歩けなくなったお年寄りにも歩けるようにしたい。 100歳になっても筋肉量は確実に増えます。このトレーニングで日本人の健康寿命は5年延びると思います。)

I no longer give lectures directly to patients and athletes. I now run instructor education courses for those who wish to become bodywork therapists or physiotherapists and for those who already work as health professionals and fitness trainers. This is because I’ve realized that there is only so much I can do on my own. I hope newly trained instructors will introduce joint training to hospitals and rehabilitation facilities across Japan, allowing as many people as possible to remain healthy. This should raise awareness of joint training as well.

There is one issue, however. Demonstration experiments have indicated that joint training is effective, but we have yet to obtain scientific evidence. I firmly believe that scientific evidence must be obtained to determine its effects, although the results of rehabilitation and exercise therapy are almost always assessed from an anatomical point of view. I want the idea of treating joint pain with exercise therapy to enter the mainstream, an opportunity for joint training to develop even further.
(ただし、問題が 1 つあります。共同訓練の効果は実証実験で示されていますが、科学的根拠はまだ得られていません。リハビリテーションや運動療法の結果は、ほとんどの場合、解剖学的な観点から評価されますが、その効果を判断するには科学的証拠が必要であると固く信じています.運動療法で関節痛を治療するという考えが主流になり、関節トレーニングがさらに発展する機会が得られることを願っています。)

It is difficult to obtain scientific evidence on my own. I feel that cooperation with researchers from this area is necessary. I am planning to make people around the world aware of the efficacy of joint training, including in America, where exercise therapy is widespread. Much like the example of kaatsu blood-flow moderation training, I am looking to work with overseas researchers to carry out scientific study. I hope that U.S. President Joe Biden will read this article. I am certain that he will like this training.




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